Анна Зиевна Шевцова, Наталия Вячеславовна Швец, 79_03
Анна Зиевна Шевцова,
д-р экон. наук, доц.
Институт экономики промышленности НАН Украины
03057, Украина, г. Киев, ул. Желябова, 2
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Наталия Вячеславовна Швец,
канд. экон. наук, доц.
Восточноукраинский национальный университет имени Владимира Даля
93400, Украина, г. Северодонецк, пр. Центральный, 59А
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Исследование современных факторов развития химического производства в контексте неоиндустриализации
Рубрика: Проблемы стратегии развития и финансово-экономического регулирования промышленности
Ekon. promisl. 2017, 79(3): 39-56
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/econindustry2017.03.039
Язык: Украинский
| Полный текст (PDF)
1. Index of Industrial Production, by types of activity in 2013-2016 years (2017). State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Retrieved from http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].2. Amosha, O.I., Vyshnevskyi, V.P., & Zbarazska L.O. (2012). Neoindustrialization and the new industrial policy of Ukraine. Econ. promisl., 1-2 (57-58), pp. 3-32 [in Russian].
3. Vyshnevskyi V.P. (2016). Global neoindustrialization and its lessons for Ukraine. Economy of Ukraine, 8, pp. 26-43 [in Ukrainian].
4. Vyshnevskyi, V.P., Zbarazska, L.O., Zanizdra, M.Yu., Chekina, V.D., Polovian, O.V., Shchetilova, T.V., Vietkin, A.S., Yerfort I. Yu. and etc. (2016). National model of neoindustrial development of Ukraine. In V.P. Vyshnevskiy (Ed.). Kyiv: Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
5. Vishnevsky, V.P., Amosha, A.I., Zbarazskaja, L.A., Ohten', A.A., Cherevatskij, D.Ju. (2013). Industrial policy and management of industrial development in the context of system imbalances: the conceptual framework. In V.P. Vishnevsky and L.A. Zbarazskja (Eds.). Doneck: Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
6. Alymov, O.M., Amosha, O.I., Alforova, I.Ye., Andrushkiv, B.M., Antoniuk, V.P., Berezhna, A.Yu., Bila, S.O., Bohatchyk L.A. and etc. (2014). The first stage of modernization of the Ukrainian economy: experience and problems. In V.I. Lyashenko (Ed.). Zaporizhzhia: IEP NAN Ukrainy, KPU [in Ukrainian].
7. Lyashenko, V., & Kotov, Ye. (2015). Ukraine XXI: neoindustrialna state or "crash of the project"? Kyiv: Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
8. Lyashenko, V., & Kotov, Ye. (2015). Methodical approaches to the estimation of processes of modernization of Ukraine’s industrially developed territories. Economy of Ukraine, 10, pp. 32-44 [in Russian].
9. Zbarazska, L. (2016). Neoindustrialization in Ukraine: concept of national model. Econ. promisl., 3(75), pp. 5-32 [in Ukrainian]. doi: 10.15407/econindustry2016.03.005.
10. Shevtsova, G.Z. (2016). Transformation of conceptual approaches to managing the development of chemical industry within the neo-industrialization context. Economics and Law, 2, pp. 146-156 [in Ukrainian].
11. Nikiforova, V.A. (2016) Neoindustrial development of steel industry of Ukraine: prerequisites, problems, directions. Econ.promisl., 3(75), pp. 33-64 [in Ukrainian]. doi: 10.15407/econindustry2016.03.033
12. Dasiv, A.F., & Russijan, E.A. (2016). The Special Aspects of Functioning and Possibilities of Industry Industrialization in Ukraine. Visnyk ekonomichnoi nauky Ukrainy, 2 (31), pp. 57-65 [in Russian].
13. Heyets, V.M. (2014). Institutional conditionality of innovative processes in the industrial development of Ukraine.Economy of Ukraine, 12, pp. 4-19 [in Ukrainian].
14. Heyets, V.M. (2015). Barriers on a way of development of the industry on the innovative basis and possibilities to overcome them. Economy of Ukraine, 1, pp. 4-25 [in Ukrainian].
15. Kindzers’kyi, Yu.V. (2016). Anticrisis industrial policy: version of domestic concept. Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii nauk Ukrainy, 10, 27-42 [in Ukrainian]. doi: 10.15407/visn2016.10.027
16. Salikhova, O.B. (2015). Renaissance of state’s intervention into the industrial development: last world tendencies and lessons for Ukraine. Economy of Ukraine, 9, 19-38 [in Ukrainian].
17. Deineko, L.V., Shovkun, I.A., Sheludko, E.I., Hakhovych, N.D., Kushnirenko O.M., Zavhorodnia M.Yu., Romaniuk I.M., & Zarudna O.S. (2016). Neoindustrial transformation of industrial potential of Ukraine. In L.V. Deineko (Ed.). Kyiv: Natsionalna akademiia nauk Ukrainy, DU «Instytut ekonomiky ta prohnozuvannia NAN Ukrainy». Retrieved from http://ief.org.ua/docs/mg/277.pdf [in Ukrainian].
18. Heits, V.M., Danylenko, A.I., Libanova, E.M., Hrytsenko, A A., Makarova, O.V., Kyzyma, M.O., Yehorov, I.Yu., Odotiuk, I.V. (Eds.) (2015). Innovative Ukraine 2020: National Report. Kyiv: The NAS of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
19. Bilorus, O.G. (2012). Problems of global modernization and imperatives of transitive countries new industrialization. Ekonomichnyi chasopys – XXI, 9-10. pp. 3-6. [in Ukrainian].
20. Zadoya A.A. (2012), "New Industrialization" in the context of Ukraine’s strategic goals. Byuleten’ Mizhnarodnogo Nobelivs’kogo ekonomichnogo forumu, 1 (5), Vol. 1, pp. 146-154 [in Ukrainian].
21. Ivanov, S.V., Perebyinis, V.I., Kotov, Ye.V., & Fedirets, O.V. (2015). Development of the national economy on the basis of neo-industrial modernization. Upravlinnia ekonomikoiu: teoriia ta praktyka Kyiv: Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine, 31-41 [in Ukrainian].
22. Vorobev, E.M., & Demchenko, T.Y. (2013). Neoindustrialization as a form of economic modernization. Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni V.N. Karazina. Seriia «Mizhnarodni vidnosyny. Ekonomika. Krainoznavstvo. Turyzm», 1042, pp. 76-80 [in Russian].
23. Prushkovskaia, E.V. (2013). Neoindustrialization as renewal process in secondary sector in periods of economic uncertainty. Teoretychni ta prykladni pytannia ekonomiky: zb. nauk. prats, Iss. 28, Vol. 1., pp. 191-197 [in Ukrainian].
24. Bondarets, M. V. (2015). Evolution of the concepts of neo-industrialization of transitive countries. Hlobalni ta natsionalni problemy ekonomiky. Retrieved from http://global-national.in.ua/archive/4-2015/10.pdf [in Ukrainian].
25. Malik, M.A. (2015). Neoindustrialization of the national economy in the context of the word integration processes (Unpublished candidatethesis). Donbass State Engineering Academy of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kramatorsk, Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
26. Gahovich, N.G., & Zavgorodnia M.Y. (2016). Features neoindustrial modernization of mechanical engineering of Ukraine in modern conditions. Ekonomichnyi visnyk universytetu: zb. nauk. prats uchenykh ta aspirantiv, Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi: DVNZ «Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi derzhavnyi pedahohichnyi universytet imeni Hryhoriia Skovorody» [in Ukrainian].
27. Chukurna, O.P. (2014). Directions of development of machine-building industry are in context of neoindustrialization. Economic bulletin of NTUU «KPI», 11, pp. 177-184 [in Ukrainian].
28. SusChem Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda. (2015). SusChem. Retrieved from http://www.suschem.org/cust/documentrequest.aspx?DocID=928 [in English].
29. LRI Research Strategy 2015-2019, (2014). American Chemistry Council. Retrieved from http://lri.americanchemistry.com/LRI-Research-Program/Research-Strategies/LRI-Research-Strategy-2015-2019.pdf [in English].
30. Wehberg, G. (2015). Chemicals 4.0. Industry digitization from a businessstrategic angle. Deloitte. Retrieved from https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/de/Documents/consumer-industrialproducts/Deloitte_Chemicals_4.0%20G.Wehberg.pdf [in English].
31. Thienen, S., Clinton, A., Mahto, M., & Shiderman, B. (2016). Industry 4.0 and the chemicals industry. Catalyzing transformation through operations improvement and business growth. Deloitte University Press, 20 p. [in English].
32. Westerman, A., & Fitzner V. (2016). Using innovation to drive sustainable growth in the chemical industry. PwC., 28 р. [in English].
33. Leeuw V. (2017, March). Industrie 4.0 in the Chemical Industry. Covestro’s View. ARC Insights. Retrieved from https://industrial-iot.com/2017/03/industrie-4-0-chemical-industry [in English].
34. Global chemical production change by region 2010-2016. Statista. (2017). The Statiatics Portal. Retrieved from https://www.statista.com/statistics/272157/chemical-production-forecast-worldwide [in English].
35. BASF Report 2016. (2017). BASF.Retrieved from https://report.basf.com/2016/en [in English].
36. Global Top 50 Chemical Companies of 2015. (2016). Chemical & Engineering News. Retrieved from http://cen.acs.org/global-top-50.html [in English].
37. Activity of large, middle-size, small and micro-enterepreneurship entities, 2015: statista. (2016). State Statistics Service of Ukraine. In M. S. Kuznietsovoi (Ed.). Kyiv: TOV «Vydavnytstvo «Konsultant » [in Ukrainian].
38. Shevtsova, A.Z., & Braslavska O.V. (2016). Research preconditions of Ukrainian chemical industry modernization based on the assessment competitiveness of its potential. Economic Processes Management: International Scientific E-Journal, 1. Retrieved from http://epm.fem.sumdu.edu.ua/download/2016_1/2016_1_12.pdf [in English].
д-р экон. наук, доц.
Институт экономики промышленности НАН Украины
03057, Украина, г. Киев, ул. Желябова, 2
E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript ;
Наталия Вячеславовна Швец,
канд. экон. наук, доц.
Восточноукраинский национальный университет имени Владимира Даля
93400, Украина, г. Северодонецк, пр. Центральный, 59А
E-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
Исследование современных факторов развития химического производства в контексте неоиндустриализации
Рубрика: Проблемы стратегии развития и финансово-экономического регулирования промышленности
Ekon. promisl. 2017, 79(3): 39-56
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/econindustry2017.03.039
Язык: Украинский
Статья посвящена определению путей реализации неоиндустриальной модели модернизации отечественного химического производства с учетом детерминирующих факторов. Проведен статистический анализ факторов прибыльности ведущих химических компаний мира. На основе изучения особенностей современной институциональной структуры химической промышленности Украины установлено, что перспективы процессов неоиндустриализации в отрасли связаны с малым и средним инновационным бизнесом и развитием малотоннажных производств на завершающих стадиях цепочек добавленной стоимости.
Ключевые слова: химическое производство; промышленность; модернизация; инновационное развитие; неоиндустриализация; компания.
Статья посвящена определению путей реализации неоиндустриальной модели модернизации отечественного химического производства с учетом детерминирующих факторов. Проведен статистический анализ факторов прибыльности ведущих химических компаний мира. На основе изучения особенностей современной институциональной структуры химической промышленности Украины установлено, что перспективы процессов неоиндустриализации в отрасли связаны с малым и средним инновационным бизнесом и развитием малотоннажных производств на завершающих стадиях цепочек добавленной стоимости.
Ключевые слова: химическое производство; промышленность; модернизация; инновационное развитие; неоиндустриализация; компания.
| Полный текст (PDF)
1. Index of Industrial Production, by types of activity in 2013-2016 years (2017). State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Retrieved from http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].2. Amosha, O.I., Vyshnevskyi, V.P., & Zbarazska L.O. (2012). Neoindustrialization and the new industrial policy of Ukraine. Econ. promisl., 1-2 (57-58), pp. 3-32 [in Russian].
3. Vyshnevskyi V.P. (2016). Global neoindustrialization and its lessons for Ukraine. Economy of Ukraine, 8, pp. 26-43 [in Ukrainian].
4. Vyshnevskyi, V.P., Zbarazska, L.O., Zanizdra, M.Yu., Chekina, V.D., Polovian, O.V., Shchetilova, T.V., Vietkin, A.S., Yerfort I. Yu. and etc. (2016). National model of neoindustrial development of Ukraine. In V.P. Vyshnevskiy (Ed.). Kyiv: Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
5. Vishnevsky, V.P., Amosha, A.I., Zbarazskaja, L.A., Ohten', A.A., Cherevatskij, D.Ju. (2013). Industrial policy and management of industrial development in the context of system imbalances: the conceptual framework. In V.P. Vishnevsky and L.A. Zbarazskja (Eds.). Doneck: Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
6. Alymov, O.M., Amosha, O.I., Alforova, I.Ye., Andrushkiv, B.M., Antoniuk, V.P., Berezhna, A.Yu., Bila, S.O., Bohatchyk L.A. and etc. (2014). The first stage of modernization of the Ukrainian economy: experience and problems. In V.I. Lyashenko (Ed.). Zaporizhzhia: IEP NAN Ukrainy, KPU [in Ukrainian].
7. Lyashenko, V., & Kotov, Ye. (2015). Ukraine XXI: neoindustrialna state or "crash of the project"? Kyiv: Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
8. Lyashenko, V., & Kotov, Ye. (2015). Methodical approaches to the estimation of processes of modernization of Ukraine’s industrially developed territories. Economy of Ukraine, 10, pp. 32-44 [in Russian].
9. Zbarazska, L. (2016). Neoindustrialization in Ukraine: concept of national model. Econ. promisl., 3(75), pp. 5-32 [in Ukrainian]. doi: 10.15407/econindustry2016.03.005.
10. Shevtsova, G.Z. (2016). Transformation of conceptual approaches to managing the development of chemical industry within the neo-industrialization context. Economics and Law, 2, pp. 146-156 [in Ukrainian].
11. Nikiforova, V.A. (2016) Neoindustrial development of steel industry of Ukraine: prerequisites, problems, directions. Econ.promisl., 3(75), pp. 33-64 [in Ukrainian]. doi: 10.15407/econindustry2016.03.033
12. Dasiv, A.F., & Russijan, E.A. (2016). The Special Aspects of Functioning and Possibilities of Industry Industrialization in Ukraine. Visnyk ekonomichnoi nauky Ukrainy, 2 (31), pp. 57-65 [in Russian].
13. Heyets, V.M. (2014). Institutional conditionality of innovative processes in the industrial development of Ukraine.Economy of Ukraine, 12, pp. 4-19 [in Ukrainian].
14. Heyets, V.M. (2015). Barriers on a way of development of the industry on the innovative basis and possibilities to overcome them. Economy of Ukraine, 1, pp. 4-25 [in Ukrainian].
15. Kindzers’kyi, Yu.V. (2016). Anticrisis industrial policy: version of domestic concept. Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii nauk Ukrainy, 10, 27-42 [in Ukrainian]. doi: 10.15407/visn2016.10.027
16. Salikhova, O.B. (2015). Renaissance of state’s intervention into the industrial development: last world tendencies and lessons for Ukraine. Economy of Ukraine, 9, 19-38 [in Ukrainian].
17. Deineko, L.V., Shovkun, I.A., Sheludko, E.I., Hakhovych, N.D., Kushnirenko O.M., Zavhorodnia M.Yu., Romaniuk I.M., & Zarudna O.S. (2016). Neoindustrial transformation of industrial potential of Ukraine. In L.V. Deineko (Ed.). Kyiv: Natsionalna akademiia nauk Ukrainy, DU «Instytut ekonomiky ta prohnozuvannia NAN Ukrainy». Retrieved from http://ief.org.ua/docs/mg/277.pdf [in Ukrainian].
18. Heits, V.M., Danylenko, A.I., Libanova, E.M., Hrytsenko, A A., Makarova, O.V., Kyzyma, M.O., Yehorov, I.Yu., Odotiuk, I.V. (Eds.) (2015). Innovative Ukraine 2020: National Report. Kyiv: The NAS of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
19. Bilorus, O.G. (2012). Problems of global modernization and imperatives of transitive countries new industrialization. Ekonomichnyi chasopys – XXI, 9-10. pp. 3-6. [in Ukrainian].
20. Zadoya A.A. (2012), "New Industrialization" in the context of Ukraine’s strategic goals. Byuleten’ Mizhnarodnogo Nobelivs’kogo ekonomichnogo forumu, 1 (5), Vol. 1, pp. 146-154 [in Ukrainian].
21. Ivanov, S.V., Perebyinis, V.I., Kotov, Ye.V., & Fedirets, O.V. (2015). Development of the national economy on the basis of neo-industrial modernization. Upravlinnia ekonomikoiu: teoriia ta praktyka Kyiv: Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine, 31-41 [in Ukrainian].
22. Vorobev, E.M., & Demchenko, T.Y. (2013). Neoindustrialization as a form of economic modernization. Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni V.N. Karazina. Seriia «Mizhnarodni vidnosyny. Ekonomika. Krainoznavstvo. Turyzm», 1042, pp. 76-80 [in Russian].
23. Prushkovskaia, E.V. (2013). Neoindustrialization as renewal process in secondary sector in periods of economic uncertainty. Teoretychni ta prykladni pytannia ekonomiky: zb. nauk. prats, Iss. 28, Vol. 1., pp. 191-197 [in Ukrainian].
24. Bondarets, M. V. (2015). Evolution of the concepts of neo-industrialization of transitive countries. Hlobalni ta natsionalni problemy ekonomiky. Retrieved from http://global-national.in.ua/archive/4-2015/10.pdf [in Ukrainian].
25. Malik, M.A. (2015). Neoindustrialization of the national economy in the context of the word integration processes (Unpublished candidatethesis). Donbass State Engineering Academy of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kramatorsk, Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
26. Gahovich, N.G., & Zavgorodnia M.Y. (2016). Features neoindustrial modernization of mechanical engineering of Ukraine in modern conditions. Ekonomichnyi visnyk universytetu: zb. nauk. prats uchenykh ta aspirantiv, Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi: DVNZ «Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi derzhavnyi pedahohichnyi universytet imeni Hryhoriia Skovorody» [in Ukrainian].
27. Chukurna, O.P. (2014). Directions of development of machine-building industry are in context of neoindustrialization. Economic bulletin of NTUU «KPI», 11, pp. 177-184 [in Ukrainian].
28. SusChem Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda. (2015). SusChem. Retrieved from http://www.suschem.org/cust/documentrequest.aspx?DocID=928 [in English].
29. LRI Research Strategy 2015-2019, (2014). American Chemistry Council. Retrieved from http://lri.americanchemistry.com/LRI-Research-Program/Research-Strategies/LRI-Research-Strategy-2015-2019.pdf [in English].
30. Wehberg, G. (2015). Chemicals 4.0. Industry digitization from a businessstrategic angle. Deloitte. Retrieved from https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/de/Documents/consumer-industrialproducts/Deloitte_Chemicals_4.0%20G.Wehberg.pdf [in English].
31. Thienen, S., Clinton, A., Mahto, M., & Shiderman, B. (2016). Industry 4.0 and the chemicals industry. Catalyzing transformation through operations improvement and business growth. Deloitte University Press, 20 p. [in English].
32. Westerman, A., & Fitzner V. (2016). Using innovation to drive sustainable growth in the chemical industry. PwC., 28 р. [in English].
33. Leeuw V. (2017, March). Industrie 4.0 in the Chemical Industry. Covestro’s View. ARC Insights. Retrieved from https://industrial-iot.com/2017/03/industrie-4-0-chemical-industry [in English].
34. Global chemical production change by region 2010-2016. Statista. (2017). The Statiatics Portal. Retrieved from https://www.statista.com/statistics/272157/chemical-production-forecast-worldwide [in English].
35. BASF Report 2016. (2017). BASF.Retrieved from https://report.basf.com/2016/en [in English].
36. Global Top 50 Chemical Companies of 2015. (2016). Chemical & Engineering News. Retrieved from http://cen.acs.org/global-top-50.html [in English].
37. Activity of large, middle-size, small and micro-enterepreneurship entities, 2015: statista. (2016). State Statistics Service of Ukraine. In M. S. Kuznietsovoi (Ed.). Kyiv: TOV «Vydavnytstvo «Konsultant » [in Ukrainian].
38. Shevtsova, A.Z., & Braslavska O.V. (2016). Research preconditions of Ukrainian chemical industry modernization based on the assessment competitiveness of its potential. Economic Processes Management: International Scientific E-Journal, 1. Retrieved from http://epm.fem.sumdu.edu.ua/download/2016_1/2016_1_12.pdf [in English].
Обновлено (13.11.2017 14:42)