Olexander S. Serdyuk, 73_06
Olexander S. Serdyuk
the Institute of the Economy of Industry of the NAS of Ukraine.
Address: 03680, Ukraine, MSP, Kyiv, 2 Gelabov Str.
Tel.: 38 050 959 02 55. E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Assessment of effectiveness of investment projects for coal mining enterprises liquidation realised on the base of public-private consortium
Section: Problems of industrial enterprises’ and production complexes’ economics
the Institute of the Economy of Industry of the NAS of Ukraine.
Address: 03680, Ukraine, MSP, Kyiv, 2 Gelabov Str.
Tel.: 38 050 959 02 55. E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Assessment of effectiveness of investment projects for coal mining enterprises liquidation realised on the base of public-private consortium
Section: Problems of industrial enterprises’ and production complexes’ economics
Ekon. promisl. 2016, 73(1): 83-92
Language: Ukrainian
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Derzhavne ahenstvo Ukrainy z investytsiy ta rozvytku (2010). Methodical recommendations for the development of business plans for investment projects: approved of August 31, No. 73. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
Mamotenko, D.Y. (2008). Evaluation of the effectiveness of investment projects. Visnyk natsionalnoho universytetu “Lvivska Politekhnika”, 628, 209-216 [in Ukrainian].
Yankovyy, O.H., & Melnyk, V.V. (2012). Critical analysis of the internal rate of return as an indicator of the investment attractiveness assessment. Visnyk sotsialno-ekonomichnykh doslidzhen, 2, 196-205 [in Ukrainian].
Chernata, T.M., & Sinyenko, I.O. (2014). Evaluation of the efficiency of investment projects by the criterion of net present value. Finantsy Ukrayiny. 10, 109-118 [in Ukrainian].
Boyarko, I.M., & Hrytsenko, L.L. (2011). Investment analysis. Kyiv: Centr uchbovoyi literatury [in Ukrainian].
Serdyuk, O.S. (2015). Public-private consortium as an organizational and economic mechanism for the liquidation of coal-mining enterprises. Econ. promisl., 2(70), 88-96 [in Ukrainian].
Cherevatsyi, D.Y. (2006). Types of investment projects and annuities that ensure their break-even. Econ. promisl., 2(33), 98-103 [in Russian].
Cherevatskyi, D.Y., & Atabyekov, O.I. (2012). Production function of a coal mine and economic efficiency of its operation. Economic herald of the Donbass, 4(30), 56-62.
Amosha, O.I., & Bardas, A.V. (2009). Features of the elimination of coal mines in the old industrial regions. Econ. promisl., 3(46), 34-38 [in Ukrainian].
Amosha, O.I., Starychenko, L.L., & Cherevatskiy, D.Y. (2013). Formation and implementation of the state policy in relation to the coal industry, taking into account Ukraine's integration into the world economy. Ukraine. Donetsk: The Institute of the Economy of Industry of the NAS of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2015). State target economic program for reforming the coal industry for 2015-2020 Draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
Ministerstvo enerhetyky ta vuhelnoyi promyslovosti (2015). Invitation of potential investors to participate in the tender for the purchase of assets of the vugylno-vedubnovno industry are in state ownership: investment proposals. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The indicators of efficiency of investment projects are investigated. The conclusion about feasibility of their use in evaluating the effectiveness of projects on liquidation of coal mines is made. The expediency of use of IRR, MIRR, DPP, PP and PO indicators as performance criteria for investment projects for liquidation of coal mines is analyzed. The assessment of the importance of profits discounting is provided. The features of realization of measures on liquidation of coal mines are identified. The expediency of use of the net present value (NPV) in conditions of efficiency estimation of projects for coal mines elimination is proved. The features of the cash flows in the implementation of the two main types of projects are given: dismantling of equipment and liquidation of underground tunnels; processing of mining dumps. The methodical recommendations on the calculation of cash flow in conditions of projects for coal mines liquidation are proposed. The formula for calculating net cash flows in terms of projects is given: dismantling of equipment and liquidation of underground tunnels; processing of mining dumps. The formula for calculating NPV based on accounting the features of movement of cash flows is improved. Net NPV for projects for dismantling of equipment and coal mines liquidation at the mines Pivdenna, Zarichna, Novovolynska №1 is calculated. The factors are given, based on which the decision on the formation of a model of public private consortium is made. The recommendations about formation of coal sector restructuring program are given. The directions of further research are determined.
Keywords:investment project; liquidation of coal mining enterprise; investment attractiveness; net present value of project; cash flows; economic efficiency
Keywords:investment project; liquidation of coal mining enterprise; investment attractiveness; net present value of project; cash flows; economic efficiency
| Full text (PDF)
Derzhavne ahenstvo Ukrainy z investytsiy ta rozvytku (2010). Methodical recommendations for the development of business plans for investment projects: approved of August 31, No. 73. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
Mamotenko, D.Y. (2008). Evaluation of the effectiveness of investment projects. Visnyk natsionalnoho universytetu “Lvivska Politekhnika”, 628, 209-216 [in Ukrainian].
Yankovyy, O.H., & Melnyk, V.V. (2012). Critical analysis of the internal rate of return as an indicator of the investment attractiveness assessment. Visnyk sotsialno-ekonomichnykh doslidzhen, 2, 196-205 [in Ukrainian].
Chernata, T.M., & Sinyenko, I.O. (2014). Evaluation of the efficiency of investment projects by the criterion of net present value. Finantsy Ukrayiny. 10, 109-118 [in Ukrainian].
Boyarko, I.M., & Hrytsenko, L.L. (2011). Investment analysis. Kyiv: Centr uchbovoyi literatury [in Ukrainian].
Serdyuk, O.S. (2015). Public-private consortium as an organizational and economic mechanism for the liquidation of coal-mining enterprises. Econ. promisl., 2(70), 88-96 [in Ukrainian].
Cherevatsyi, D.Y. (2006). Types of investment projects and annuities that ensure their break-even. Econ. promisl., 2(33), 98-103 [in Russian].
Cherevatskyi, D.Y., & Atabyekov, O.I. (2012). Production function of a coal mine and economic efficiency of its operation. Economic herald of the Donbass, 4(30), 56-62.
Amosha, O.I., & Bardas, A.V. (2009). Features of the elimination of coal mines in the old industrial regions. Econ. promisl., 3(46), 34-38 [in Ukrainian].
Amosha, O.I., Starychenko, L.L., & Cherevatskiy, D.Y. (2013). Formation and implementation of the state policy in relation to the coal industry, taking into account Ukraine's integration into the world economy. Ukraine. Donetsk: The Institute of the Economy of Industry of the NAS of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2015). State target economic program for reforming the coal industry for 2015-2020 Draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
Ministerstvo enerhetyky ta vuhelnoyi promyslovosti (2015). Invitation of potential investors to participate in the tender for the purchase of assets of the vugylno-vedubnovno industry are in state ownership: investment proposals. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].