Oksana M. Garkushenko, 73_04
Oksana M. Garkushenko
PhD in Economics, the Institute of the Economy of Industry of the NAS of Ukraine.
Address: 03680, Ukraine, MSP, Kyiv, 2 Gelabov Str.
Tel.: 38 050 474 35 26.E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Peculiarities of environmental regulation of economy in countries of BRICS and EEU: threats and opportunities for Ukraine
Section: Macroeconomic and regional problems of industrial development
Ekon. promisl. 2016, 73(1): 53-72
Language: Ukrainian
| Full text (PDF)
The World Bank (2015). Country and lending groups. Retrieved from http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-and-lending-groups#Low_income.
Domingues, J.M. (2012). Tax system and environmental taxes in Brazil: the case of the electric vehicles in a comparative perspective with Japan. Osaka university law review, 59, pp. 37-56.
Grossman, G.M., & Krueger, A.B. (1991). Environmental impacts of a North American free trade agreement (No. w3914). National Bureau of Economic Research.
OECD (2015). Taxing energy use 2015: OECD and selected partner economies. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264232334-en.
Aleksandrov, I.O., Polovyan, O.V., & Tarasova, M.Yu. (2008). Approaches to the implementation of the principles of sustainable development in the protection of transboundary water resources, 15, 153-163 [in Ukrainian].
UNIDO (2015). Combating the climate configuration: The most effective measures to slow the global warming process. JuNIDO v Rossii, 15, 37-42 [in Ukrainian].
Veklych, O., & Buhas, V. (2006). Euro repair of the economic mechanism of ecological regulation is needed. Visnyk NAN Ukrayiny, 3(1), 49-57 [in Ukrainian].
Veklich, O.A. (2014). How to damage ecological taxation? Zerkalo nedeli, 32 [in Russian].
Harkushenko, O.M. (2015). Directions of environmental regulation of the economy in Ukraine taking into account the requirements of the Agreement on cooperation with the EU. Econ. promisl., 4(72), 50-68 [in Ukrainian].
Het'man, A.P. (2015). Ecological function of the state in modern globalization processes. Problemy zakonnosti, 128, 145-153 [in Ukrainian].
Gosudarstvennoe agentstvo po ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy i lesnogo hozjajstva pri Pravitel'stve Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki (2015). State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic: Normative legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic. Retrieved from http://nature.gov.kg/lawbase/laws/listlaws.xml [in Russian].
The State Emergency service of Ukraine (2012). State Service of Ukraine for Emergencies National report on the state of man-made and natural hazards of Ukraine in 2011. Retrieved from http://www.mns.gov.ua/content/nasdopovid2011.html [in Ukrainian].
The State Emergency service of Ukraine (2015). National report on the state of man-made and natural hazards of Ukraine by 2014. Retrieved from http://www.mns.gov.ua/files/prognoz/report/2014/ND_2014.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Zajac, A. (2014). Politics put ahead of the economy. What are the benefits of the Eurasian Union. Retrieved from http://news.tut.by/politics/401129.html [in Russian].
Ivanova, E.A. (2015). On the utilization of PCBs in the framework of the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on POPs in the Russian Federation. JuNIDO v Rossii, 15, 20-23 [in Russian].
Korytnyj, L.M., Zherelina, I.V. (2010). International river and lake basins of Asia: conflicts, ways of cooperation. Geografija i prirodne resursy, 2, 11-19 [in Russian].
Kostenko, V.O. (2015). Characterization of the risks of emergencies in transboundary territories of Ukraine. Aspekty publichnoho upravlinnya, 3(17), 51-56 [in Ukrainian].
Kuznecov, A. (2015). China allowed all families to have two children. Retrieved from http://www.rbc.ru/politics/29/10/2015/5631fdbe9a79476f0eadbf63 [in Ukrainian].
Electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2016). Ministries and committees of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Retrieved from http://egov.kz/wps/portal/Content?contentPath=/egovcontent/ministries_committees〈=ru [in Russian].
Ministry of Natural resources and Environmental protection of Republic of Belarus (2015). Legislation. Retrieved from http://www.minpriroda.gov.by/ru/legistation-ru/ [[in Russian].
Naychuk, O.A. (2014). Ukraine in the framework of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. In Economic Problems of Sustainable Development (pp. 347-348), 2 [in Ukrainian].
Osmonaliev, A. (2015). Kyrgyzstan in figures. Statistical collection. Bishkek: Otdel poligraficheskih rabot GVC Nacstatkoma Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki [in Russian].
National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic (2016). Protection of the environment. Retrieved from http://www.stat.kg/ru/statistics/turizm-otdyh-ohrana-okruzhayushej-sredy/ [in Russian].
Medvedeva, I.V. (2015). Finansy Respubliki Belarus'. Minsk: National Statistical committee of the Republic of Belarus [in Ukrainian].
Obykhod, H.O. (2015). The basic measures of regulation at acceptance of lawful economic pledges. In Economical and Ecological Problems of the Future in Young Scientists (pp. 99-102). Ukraine. Odessa: Odeskyy derzhavnyy ekolohichnyy universytet [in Ukrainian].
OECD (2012). Reorientation of economic and other financial instruments to improve environmental performance: How to unblock reforms in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Paris: OECD Publishing [in Russian].
Paranyak, R.P., Voytovych, N.V. (2013). Strategy for the development of ecologic policy at the regional level. Naukovyy visnyk LNUVMBT im. S.H. Hzhyts'koho, 2(56), 273-280 [in Ukrainian].
Verkhovna Rada of Ukrayine (2010). Tax Code of Ukraine of December 2, No. 2755-VI. Vidomosti Verkhovnoyi Rady Ukrayiny, 13-14/15-16/17, st. 112 [in Ukrainian].
The Russian Government (2015). The Government of the Russian Federation. Meeting in the maximum level of non-tax payments of entrepreneurs and organizations from June 1. Retrieved from http://government.ru/news/18316/ [in Russian].
Zakon.kz (2015). Information on the minimum wage, MCI and subsistence minimum (in 1995-2015). Zakon.kz: Kompleks pravovoj informacii Respubliki Kazahstan. Retrieved from http://online.zakon.kz/Document/?doc_id=1026672 [in Russian].
Verkhovna Rada of Ukrayine (2014). An association agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their member States, on the other hand. Retrieved from http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/984_011/page <http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/984_011/page> [in Ukrainian].
President of the Republic of Belarus (2008). Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus "On a taxi to determine the amount of compensation for damage caused to the environment" of June, 24, No. 348. Nacional'nyj reestr pravovyh aktov Respubliki Belarus, 157 (1st July), 1/9824 [in Russian].
Ukrayinets', L.A., & Trishch, I.S. (2012). The impact of economic growth on the state of the environment in China. Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu L'vivs'ka politekhnika, 727, 455-460 [in Ukrainian].
Shvets, V.Ya., Milyutin, V.M., & Rozdobudko, E.V. (2010). Influence of transboundary pollution on the economic and ecological state of the Dnipro region. Visnyk Akademiyi mytnoyi sluzhby Ukrayiny, 1, 102-109 [in Ukrainian].
Shuht, S., & Mazur, E. (2004). Environmental payments for pollution and products in Armenia: assessment of the progress of reforms and directions for further improvement. Paris: OECD Publishing [in Russian].
Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Committee on Statistics (2015). Environmental indicators for monitoring and environmental assessment. Retrieved from http://www.stat.gov.kz/faces/NavAbout/aboutAboutAgency?_adf.ctrl-state=h5yzic06b_4&_afrLoop=12641131634185497 [in Russian].
Zakon.kz (2015). Ecological Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 9, 2007 (with changes and additions as of June 15, 2015). Zakon.kz: Kompleks pravovoj informacii (zakonodatel'stvo). Respubliki Kazahstan Retrieved from http://online.zakon.kz/Document/?doc_id=30085593#sub_id=100400 [in Russian].
Rogachev, A.F. (2015). Economic and mathematical modeling of environmental ecology regulation taking into account transboundary pollution. Volgograd: FGBOU VPO Volgogradskij GAU [in Russian].
Kremlin.ru (2013). The Ethkvin Declaration and the Etequina Plan of Action of March 27. Kremlin.ru: Oficialnye setevye resursy Prezidenta Rossii. Retrieved from http://kremlin.ru/supplement/1430 [in Russian].
PhD in Economics, the Institute of the Economy of Industry of the NAS of Ukraine.
Address: 03680, Ukraine, MSP, Kyiv, 2 Gelabov Str.
Tel.: 38 050 474 35 26.E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Peculiarities of environmental regulation of economy in countries of BRICS and EEU: threats and opportunities for Ukraine
Section: Macroeconomic and regional problems of industrial development
Ekon. promisl. 2016, 73(1): 53-72
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: According to the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, Ukraine has to accelerate reforms in the field of environmental protection due to harmonisation of its environmental legislation and taxation with the European ones. However tree important nuances arise in this case. Firstly, neither Ukraine nor any other country have their own ecosystems isolated from others. Therefore, even the strictest environmental standards are not guaranties of high quality of environment due to existence of cross-border pollution from countries with less “eco-friendly” policy. Secondly, Ukraine doesn’t have such a long history of environmental regulation of economy as the most EU member countries have, and is still influenced by the Soviet legacy, when the price of air, water and other inexhaustible natural resources was underestimated. Therefore, the experience of environmental regulation of economy in post-Soviet countries with the common past in terms of attitude towards environmental protection could be used for Ukraine, as long as it may provide insight on the ways to improve the environment. Cast instability of the CIS for the last 10 years has determined the choice of a relatively new international association for the analysis - the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU).Thirdly, unlike most EU countries, Ukraine belongs to the group of low-middle income countries. Therefore it would be more useful to analyze the practice of environmental regulation of the economy in the countries with the same level of income, which, however, experience economic growth, for example - member countries of BRICS and the EEU. The above mentioned is of particular relevance given that environmental regulation of the economy remains underexposed in Ukraine from the position of possible cross-border pollution influence on the state of environment of Ukraine due to the different approaches to environmental protection of the government of neighbour countries. Therefore, the main objectives of the paper is to analyze peculiarities of environmental regulation of the economy implementation in the EEU and BRICS member countries, to identify the possible impact of such regulation on the environment in Ukraine, and to define positive features that can be useful for improving environmental and economic conditions in Ukraine. The paper is divided into three main sections and conclusions. First section is focused on the analysis of a legal framework of environmental regulation in the EEU and BRICS member countries. The practice of application of environmental taxes in the countries of the above mentioned international associations is examined in the second section. The third section briefly analyzes the state of environmental regulation and taxation in Ukraine, possible impact of environmental regulation in neighbouring countries on its environment and elements of such regulation in the EEU and BRICS member countries that could add in improving environmental policy of Ukraine and fulfilling the requirements of the Association agreement with the EU. All recommendations are summarized in the conclusions.
Keywords:environmental pollution; cross-border pollution; environmental regulation of economy; environmental taxes; BRICS; EEU
Keywords:environmental pollution; cross-border pollution; environmental regulation of economy; environmental taxes; BRICS; EEU
| Full text (PDF)
The World Bank (2015). Country and lending groups. Retrieved from http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-and-lending-groups#Low_income.
Domingues, J.M. (2012). Tax system and environmental taxes in Brazil: the case of the electric vehicles in a comparative perspective with Japan. Osaka university law review, 59, pp. 37-56.
Grossman, G.M., & Krueger, A.B. (1991). Environmental impacts of a North American free trade agreement (No. w3914). National Bureau of Economic Research.
OECD (2015). Taxing energy use 2015: OECD and selected partner economies. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264232334-en.
Aleksandrov, I.O., Polovyan, O.V., & Tarasova, M.Yu. (2008). Approaches to the implementation of the principles of sustainable development in the protection of transboundary water resources, 15, 153-163 [in Ukrainian].
UNIDO (2015). Combating the climate configuration: The most effective measures to slow the global warming process. JuNIDO v Rossii, 15, 37-42 [in Ukrainian].
Veklych, O., & Buhas, V. (2006). Euro repair of the economic mechanism of ecological regulation is needed. Visnyk NAN Ukrayiny, 3(1), 49-57 [in Ukrainian].
Veklich, O.A. (2014). How to damage ecological taxation? Zerkalo nedeli, 32 [in Russian].
Harkushenko, O.M. (2015). Directions of environmental regulation of the economy in Ukraine taking into account the requirements of the Agreement on cooperation with the EU. Econ. promisl., 4(72), 50-68 [in Ukrainian].
Het'man, A.P. (2015). Ecological function of the state in modern globalization processes. Problemy zakonnosti, 128, 145-153 [in Ukrainian].
Gosudarstvennoe agentstvo po ohrane okruzhajushhej sredy i lesnogo hozjajstva pri Pravitel'stve Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki (2015). State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic: Normative legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic. Retrieved from http://nature.gov.kg/lawbase/laws/listlaws.xml [in Russian].
The State Emergency service of Ukraine (2012). State Service of Ukraine for Emergencies National report on the state of man-made and natural hazards of Ukraine in 2011. Retrieved from http://www.mns.gov.ua/content/nasdopovid2011.html [in Ukrainian].
The State Emergency service of Ukraine (2015). National report on the state of man-made and natural hazards of Ukraine by 2014. Retrieved from http://www.mns.gov.ua/files/prognoz/report/2014/ND_2014.pdf [in Ukrainian].
Zajac, A. (2014). Politics put ahead of the economy. What are the benefits of the Eurasian Union. Retrieved from http://news.tut.by/politics/401129.html [in Russian].
Ivanova, E.A. (2015). On the utilization of PCBs in the framework of the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on POPs in the Russian Federation. JuNIDO v Rossii, 15, 20-23 [in Russian].
Korytnyj, L.M., Zherelina, I.V. (2010). International river and lake basins of Asia: conflicts, ways of cooperation. Geografija i prirodne resursy, 2, 11-19 [in Russian].
Kostenko, V.O. (2015). Characterization of the risks of emergencies in transboundary territories of Ukraine. Aspekty publichnoho upravlinnya, 3(17), 51-56 [in Ukrainian].
Kuznecov, A. (2015). China allowed all families to have two children. Retrieved from http://www.rbc.ru/politics/29/10/2015/5631fdbe9a79476f0eadbf63 [in Ukrainian].
Electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2016). Ministries and committees of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Retrieved from http://egov.kz/wps/portal/Content?contentPath=/egovcontent/ministries_committees〈=ru [in Russian].
Ministry of Natural resources and Environmental protection of Republic of Belarus (2015). Legislation. Retrieved from http://www.minpriroda.gov.by/ru/legistation-ru/ [[in Russian].
Naychuk, O.A. (2014). Ukraine in the framework of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. In Economic Problems of Sustainable Development (pp. 347-348), 2 [in Ukrainian].
Osmonaliev, A. (2015). Kyrgyzstan in figures. Statistical collection. Bishkek: Otdel poligraficheskih rabot GVC Nacstatkoma Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki [in Russian].
National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic (2016). Protection of the environment. Retrieved from http://www.stat.kg/ru/statistics/turizm-otdyh-ohrana-okruzhayushej-sredy/ [in Russian].
Medvedeva, I.V. (2015). Finansy Respubliki Belarus'. Minsk: National Statistical committee of the Republic of Belarus [in Ukrainian].
Obykhod, H.O. (2015). The basic measures of regulation at acceptance of lawful economic pledges. In Economical and Ecological Problems of the Future in Young Scientists (pp. 99-102). Ukraine. Odessa: Odeskyy derzhavnyy ekolohichnyy universytet [in Ukrainian].
OECD (2012). Reorientation of economic and other financial instruments to improve environmental performance: How to unblock reforms in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Paris: OECD Publishing [in Russian].
Paranyak, R.P., Voytovych, N.V. (2013). Strategy for the development of ecologic policy at the regional level. Naukovyy visnyk LNUVMBT im. S.H. Hzhyts'koho, 2(56), 273-280 [in Ukrainian].
Verkhovna Rada of Ukrayine (2010). Tax Code of Ukraine of December 2, No. 2755-VI. Vidomosti Verkhovnoyi Rady Ukrayiny, 13-14/15-16/17, st. 112 [in Ukrainian].
The Russian Government (2015). The Government of the Russian Federation. Meeting in the maximum level of non-tax payments of entrepreneurs and organizations from June 1. Retrieved from http://government.ru/news/18316/ [in Russian].
Zakon.kz (2015). Information on the minimum wage, MCI and subsistence minimum (in 1995-2015). Zakon.kz: Kompleks pravovoj informacii Respubliki Kazahstan. Retrieved from http://online.zakon.kz/Document/?doc_id=1026672 [in Russian].
Verkhovna Rada of Ukrayine (2014). An association agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their member States, on the other hand. Retrieved from http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/984_011/page <http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/984_011/page> [in Ukrainian].
President of the Republic of Belarus (2008). Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus "On a taxi to determine the amount of compensation for damage caused to the environment" of June, 24, No. 348. Nacional'nyj reestr pravovyh aktov Respubliki Belarus, 157 (1st July), 1/9824 [in Russian].
Ukrayinets', L.A., & Trishch, I.S. (2012). The impact of economic growth on the state of the environment in China. Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu L'vivs'ka politekhnika, 727, 455-460 [in Ukrainian].
Shvets, V.Ya., Milyutin, V.M., & Rozdobudko, E.V. (2010). Influence of transboundary pollution on the economic and ecological state of the Dnipro region. Visnyk Akademiyi mytnoyi sluzhby Ukrayiny, 1, 102-109 [in Ukrainian].
Shuht, S., & Mazur, E. (2004). Environmental payments for pollution and products in Armenia: assessment of the progress of reforms and directions for further improvement. Paris: OECD Publishing [in Russian].
Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Committee on Statistics (2015). Environmental indicators for monitoring and environmental assessment. Retrieved from http://www.stat.gov.kz/faces/NavAbout/aboutAboutAgency?_adf.ctrl-state=h5yzic06b_4&_afrLoop=12641131634185497 [in Russian].
Zakon.kz (2015). Ecological Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 9, 2007 (with changes and additions as of June 15, 2015). Zakon.kz: Kompleks pravovoj informacii (zakonodatel'stvo). Respubliki Kazahstan Retrieved from http://online.zakon.kz/Document/?doc_id=30085593#sub_id=100400 [in Russian].
Rogachev, A.F. (2015). Economic and mathematical modeling of environmental ecology regulation taking into account transboundary pollution. Volgograd: FGBOU VPO Volgogradskij GAU [in Russian].
Kremlin.ru (2013). The Ethkvin Declaration and the Etequina Plan of Action of March 27. Kremlin.ru: Oficialnye setevye resursy Prezidenta Rossii. Retrieved from http://kremlin.ru/supplement/1430 [in Russian].